This page was last updated on: February 13, 2024
Rands Creative Creations
Harold Rand Enterprises
3729 Freeman Rd
Jacksonville FL 32207
904 398 7925
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UL Listed Product: A product that has been produced under Underwriter Lab's listing and Follow-Up Service and that bears the authorized Listing Mark of U. L. as the manufacturer's declaration that the product complies with U. L.'S requirements in accordance with the terms of the Follow-Up Service Agreement.
RU Recognized Component: A part or sub-assembly covered under U.L.'s recognition service and intended for use in listed, classified, or recognized products. a recognized component is incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capability so that determination by U.L. of its acceptability in a product is necessary.
SA Certified Product: A product that has been produced under Canadian state approval and follow-up service and that bears the authorized certification mark of C.S.A. as the manufacturer's declaration that the product complies with C.S.A.'s requirements in accordance with the terms of the follow-up service agreement.
SPT-1: Is no longer approved for external wiring of table and floor lamps or lighting fixtures, SPT-2 and SVT are approved.
NON-LISTED COMPONENT: Many items shown in this catalog and website are not listed or recognized by underwriters laboratory. The use and suitability of these products therefore must be determined by the purchaser.